Pennant myths, etc.

Well, now that the basketball and hockey seasons are completed, we know what time it is. Football time! Yes, the next month (the ever shrinking doldrums of summer) will be bleak, with teams taking their last break before training camp and the long season ahead. However, this time serves to build anticipation, much like a child’s countdown to Christmas morning. We’ll have non-stop football in just a few short weeks.

In the mean time, I thought I’d clear up a few pennant myths:

  1. Football pennants with 1967 printed on them are from 1967 = MYTH! That trademark logo was used into the 1970s.
  2. A pennant featuring a graphic of a player wearing a leather football helmet was made during the leather helmet era = MYTH! Old school players were used on pennants from the 1960s and 70s as well.
  3. Your pennant is RARE. Maybe…But if you can find 10 more of them on eBay right now…MYTH!
  4. Rolling up a pennant and shipping in a paper towel tube is a good way to ship a pennant = MYTH! They should be shipped flat or LOOSELY rolled in an appropriate size box
  5. Collecting football pennants is a sure fire way to look sexy to the ladies and ensure a long, leisurely, tropical retirement…MYTH! Actually, that one is a FACT!

So there it is. Have at it boys! The ladies and Bora Bora await!

Until next time…